Many organization face difficulty in maintaining and retrieval of important documents when they need as an when required. When documents are managed manually, it becomes challenging to locate a particular documents in such a large storage. This can result in confusion, errors and the potential loss of important information. Organizations that need to adhere to regulatory requirements may face difficulties in meeting compliance standards without proper document management systems. Maintaining an audit trail, tracking document history, and ensuring document integrity become challenging tasks. Without a comprehensive tracking system, organizations struggle to gather insights and analytics on document usage, workflow efficiency. This limits the ability to identify bottlenecks, optimize processes, and make informed decisions.

Features :

  • Each document is equipped with an RFID tag that contains a unique identifier. This tag can be attached to the document.
  • The system can generate reports and analytics based on data, providing insights into document movement patterns, usage statistics, and performance. This information helps optimize document management processes and make data- driven decisions.
  • DTS can speed up the document search and retrieval process. By using RFID readers, users can locate specific documents or file folders within a storage area without manually searching through stacks of papers.
  • The system can record the movement history of each document, including timestamps and locations, creating a comprehensive audit trail. This feature provides visibility into document activities and can be useful for compliance and audit purposes.

Asset Management System